Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time To Get Dirty.

Discovery Channel tonight at 9:00PM EST will be showing new episodes of one of my favorite shows, Dirty Jobs, hosted by Mike Rowe. This show in a way goes with my last post, only the people Mike shows have real pride in their jobs. Mike never makes of these people. He usually opens the show by saying:
"My name is Mike Rowe, and this is my job: I explore the country looking for people who aren't afraid to get dirty—hard-working men and women who earn an honest living doing the kinds of jobs that make civilized life possible for the rest of us. Now... get ready, to get dirty."
Most of the jobs I would not want, but it is great to see people who do enjoy what they do, no matter what it is. I also find it fascinating on how certain things are done. Of course, I won't be watching it when it broadcasts, but that is what VCR's are for. This is movie night, but for a change we are going to go to a theater instead of watching DVD's. We are going to see Ghost Town. I will do a review of it tomorrow.

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