Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quick Cards.

Instead of a quick post with a fast super-hero I am doing a quick post with an interesting baseball card. When I am either short on time or lacking good ideas I will be alternating between the two. Since I have started the Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader questions I am going to post every day. This card is part of the Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy set. Considering this entire set consists of 6100 cards, I will not be getting a full one. However I like the ones that I have. This card is from game 1771, August 26,1945. The Yankees beat the Washington Nationals 3-2 that day. In case you are wondering why the card says Nationals instead of Senators the team was referred to by both nicknames. Technically they were the Nationals and not until 1959 was the word Senators put on the team uniforms, and they were called that from then on.

The answer to yesterdays question, as any fan of the Hunchback From Notre Dame will tell you, was of course France. Today's question is a Grade 1/U.S. Geography question.

What state borders South Dakota to the North?

Bonus points if you name the capital of that state. I got it and now stand 6-5 on this.

1 comment:

Travis said...

North Dakota borders South Dakota to the north. Pierre is the capital of South Dakota I believe, but I can't remember ND's capital, so I cheated and looked it up. I was kicking myself afterward.